
Welcome to:

123 PhoneSex Com

The easy way to have some phone fucking fun!

We now use the platform!

It's more secure, 100% safe and annoymous, no phone required! (text and voice chat through your browser like a Skype call). Using this method there is no tracking your sessions.  Girls/Models set their own text and voice chat rates. Bill using tokens so you pay just for the time you are connected.

No restrictions - but check each model as they may have some.

Sessions are NOT RECORDED! Services such as Niteflrit and Talk2Me and others who restrict topics of session DO Record your sessions!  WE DON'T!

New to You will need to set up a FREE account before you can see the available models and purchase tokens. your place for private text and voice chants with women worldwide.



Prefer to do calls the old direct dial way then check out the listings below. These girls all take payments online and talk using your phone,





Phone Sex Central ®
Phone SEX Central® - Top Quality Phone Sex Sites